Phone: 605-747-2371
Fax: 605-747-2400
2443 Legion Avenue
PO Box 159
Rosebud, SD 57570
Howard D. Valandra
Member at Large Exp. 05/03/2024
Tribal Land Enterprise By-Laws
"A subordinate organization of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe"
The Rosebud Sioux Tribe having been incorporated hereby authorizes a subordinate organization under the Tribal Council to be known as the Tribal Land Enterprise, henceforth known in these Bylaws and official documents pertaining to the Tribal lands as “TLE”, through which this plan will function.
The Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984), as amended, as well as the Rosebud Constitution and Charter provide authority for the establishment of this subsidiary organization.(See table A-9)
To effect a plan to remedy the situation of increasing fractionation of ownership interests in allotted lands resulting from probate procedure.
To provide a plan to consolidate individual ownership interest in restricted land in furtherance of economic enterprises.
To develop a land management plan for the economic interests of members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe who participate in this plan.
To provide for the preservation and safeguarding of the values in individual ownership equities in land.
To provide a simplified process by which an individual may exchange his landholdings for areas adapted to his ambitions for economic enterprise through the flexible use of certificates of interest in the Tribal Land Enterprise.
To utilize lands under the control of the Tribe for the development of economic enterprises within the various communities of Indians on the reservation.
To provide for an adequate system of keeping records and of accounting in connection with the operation and management of this plan.
To provide a long-term land-buying program which would benefit members of the Tribe.
TLE shall be operated by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe through the TLE Board of Directors and these bylaws as a subordinate Tribal Enterprise; provided that only members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe shall be considered a member by virtue of the Tribal lands placed under the operation and management of the enterprise; and provided further that individual members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe shall be members of the TLE by virtue of having conveyed land or interests in land to the United States in trust for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, and having received in exchange, certificates of interest in TLE, or come into ownership of such certificates as provided in Section 27 and 30 thereof.(See table A-10)
There shall be a Board of Directors composed of seven (7) enrolled members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe as follows:
The President of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.
Three (3) Shareholders of class “A” certificates of interest in TLE, outside of the Tribal Council
Three (3) community representatives for the purpose of these Bylaws shall mean “Tribal Council Representative.”
All members of the Board of Directors shall be bonded for $10,000.00 each for their term in office.The Tribal Land Enterprise shall pay for the bonds of the members of the Board of Directors.(See table A-11)
A vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be filled by election, by holders of certificates of interest in TLE, at a regular or special meeting.The President of the Tribe shall be ineligible to serve when he ceases to be the President of the Tribe.Community Representatives (Council persons) shall become ineligible to serve when they have been replaced at a duly convened regular or special shareholders meeting when they are no longer Community Representatives (council persons).Community Representatives (council persons) shall serve as Board members for two years or until the first regular or special shareholders meeting convened following the Tribal general election.(See table A-11, A-5)
At the 1989 shareholders meeting the three (3) shareholders of class “A” certificates of interest in TLE-shall be elected to serve as follows: One (1) shall be elected for the period of one year, one (1) shall be elected for the period of two years, and one (1) shall be elected for a period of three years.Thereafter, each shareholders of class “A” certificates elected shall serve a full three year term.(See table A-11)
Any member of the TLE Board of Directors shall be removed by the Board for just cause.Just cause shall mean, conviction of a felony, or for any other offense involving dishonesty during their term of office, or for two unexcused absences from the TLE Board of Director’s meetings.Removal shall not take place until after notice of charges have been given to the member and an opportunity to be heard within ten days after due notice.(See table A-11)
No person employed by TLE may be member of the Board of Directors, to take effect immediately.(See table A-6)
Officers of Board of Directors
At a regular or special meeting, the holders of certificates of interest shall elect the Chairman of the TLE Board from among the three (3) Class “A” shareholders identified in Section 12 (2) the Board of Directors, from its own membership, shall elect a Vice-Chairman and a Secretary.The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary shall serve until their term on the Board expires.(See table A-1, A-11)
The Board of Directors shall meet regularly once each month at the Rosebud Indian Agency at a time agreed upon by the Board of Directors and shall be subject to call for special meetings by the Chairman or the Superintendent on three days notice.The Chairman shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors and he shall conduct the business of TLE under the direction of the Board.In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman of the Board shall preside.The Secretary shall keep a record of proceedings of the Board of Directors and through such records, keep the Tribal Council informed of the Board’s proceedings.(See table A-11)
All members of the Board of Directors enumerated shall have equal voice in matters coming before them for decisions.Five members present at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum to do business.A majority vote of those present shall rule on all questions.
Compensation of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is hereby empowered to pay to the Tribe a sum not to exceed 25% of the amount of salaries paid by the Tribe to the President.Members of the Board of Directors who are not otherwise receiving a salary, which includes council per diem, from the United States or the Tribe may be paid a salary by the TLE at a rate per day as fixed by the holders of certificates of interest at their annual meeting for each day devoted to TLE matters.All members of the Board of Directors shall be paid by TLE per diem in lieu of subsistence and mileage when on TLE business off the reservation.
Powers of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is hereby empowered to act, subject to approval of the Superintendent, for TLE on behalf of the Tribe and holders of certificates of interest in TLE on all policies, except personnel policies which shall be the same as the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, stipulations, and land transactions as enumerated in these Bylaws or as may hereafter be authorized in accordance with Section 45 hereof.Any action not approved by the Superintendent may be submitted by the Board of Directors to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or his duly authorized representative, for review and decision.The Board of Directors shall establish in written form criteria, which will be used as a guide in securing information to determine eligibility and priority fro assignment of TLE lands.Information so gathered shall be made in writing and shall be treated as confidential and shall be made part of the permanent record of the case.(See table A-11, A-8)
The Chairman of the Board of Directors is hereby designated as the certifying officer to sign all official documents of TLE.In case the Chairman is unable for any reason, the Vice-Chairman is authorized to act in his stead.
Management of Tribal Lands
TLE is authorized to enter into an agreement or agreements with the Rosebud Tribal Council to manage such Tribal lands as the Tribal Council shall designate provided that the Tribal Timber reserve, the Tribal administrative reserve, and such other tracts of land as are, on the date of approval of these Bylaws, being used for community purpose or projects, shall not be included in this plan; and provided further that in the approval of these Bylaws, the Tribe authorizes an agreement with TLE to manage and operate, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or his duly authorized representative (See table AA), all lands now in Tribal ownership, or which may come into Tribal ownership from any source, exclusive of Tribal timber reserve, administrative reserve, tracts of land being used fro community projects, community parks, community buildings, Indian dance halls, churches, cemeteries; such agreements or agreement shall be revocable by the Tribal Council upon approval of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or his duly authorized representative, upon six months notice to TLE of intention of such revocation.Revocation of such agreements shall be subject to any existing assignments, lease, or permit on the land involved.When such revocation becomes effective, the certificates of interest of the Tribe in TLE shall be reduced in the amount of interests representing the land involved.
Home Assignments
Any agreement for management of Tribal lands shall not abrogate the provisions of Section (1) and (2) of Article VIII of the Rosebud Constitution and Bylaws pertaining to home assignments, and when TLE may be affected by withdrawals of land for home assignments, proper adjustment of its records and accounts shall be made to provide for same.
Conveyances of Restricted Land and Interests in Restricted Land
Any owner of restricted land or interests in restricted land on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation may convey in the presence of two witnesses of his choice, with the consent of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, or his duly authorized representative (See table AA), such land or interest in land to the United States of America in trust for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe; said conveyance being conditional upon the issuance of certificates of interest in TLE, based upon the current market value of such land or interest in land; provided that nothing in this section or in these Bylaws shall be construed to affect or change the ownership status of lands of persons in the armed forces without their full consent.
Conveyances of Unrestricted Land
Any member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, who owns unrestricted land may convey such land, with the consent and approval of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or his duly authorized representative (See table AA) to the United States of America in trust for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe; provided such conveyance is cleared of all encumbrances thereon by the payment thereof.TLE is authorized to liquidate such encumbrances and to issue to the conveyor certificates for such interests as shall represent the difference between the appraised value of the lands so conveyed and the amount of encumbrances liquidated by TLE.
Assignment of Land for Community Use
TLE is authorized to set aside areas of land under its control and made assignment of such areas to recognized communities of the specific use of such communities in the development of economic enterprises or other community use.However, such assignments must be compensated for by the deposit of certificates of interest in TLE or by outright rental, or a combination of both.
Use of Surplus Lands
Lands not otherwise assigned or leased for use to members of the Tribe, either as associations or individual members, may be leased to non-Indians, for terms not to exceed five years, provided such leases are made subject to cancellation at the end of any lease year should such land be assigned.The same regulations which govern the leasing or other trust lands shall be applicable to these lands.
Lands to be accepted by TLE shall be appraised and certificate of interest in TLE shall be issued to the respective owners thereof, on a current market basis.The Board of Directors of TLE and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, or his duly authorized representative, shall each designate an appraiser to determine the value of each tract, or allotment, or land contemplated for acceptance under this plan.The appraiser designated by TLE is to protect the interest of the Rosebud “Sioux Tribe, and the appraiser designated by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, or his duly authorized representative, is to protect the interests of the individual Indians who may transfer their lands in exchange for certificates if interest or assignments.Land capabilities along with the other factors shall be the basis for making appraisals.
Assignment of Land
TLE may assign land under its control to members of the Tribe.An individual or cooperative association receiving such assignments of Tribal lands will be required to surrender to the TLE certificates of interest in TLE equal to the current market value of such lands assigned.Such cancelled certificates shall remain on deposit with TLE, during the period such lands remain in the possession of such individual or cooperative association.Certificates of interest so surrendered for assignment shall not be eligible to share in any net earnings, shall such surrendered certificates of interest be voted in the conduct of business of TLE.Any improvements placed upon such lands under assignment by the assignee shall remain the property of the assignee.(See table A-4)
Likewise, any improvements belonging on the land assigned shall be inventories to the assignee, but such improvements shall remain a part of land. (See table AA) (Land-Ten. & Acq. 17837-42-310, Sec. 1, Part 34). Certificates so surrendered shall be cancelled. New lieu certificates will be issued in the event assignment is forfeited or relinquished back to the Tribe.
Issuance of Certificates of Interest
TLE is authorized to issue certificates of interest in the Tribal Land Enterprise, Class “A” and Class “B” in accordance with the following provisions:
The shall be issued to the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, Class “A” certificates of interest in TLE for the appraised value of land, the management and operation of which by the Tribe to TLE.
For lands or interests in land conveyed by individual members of the Tribe to the United States of America in trust for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, there shall be issued Class “A” certificates of in TLE to said individual for the appraised value of such land or interest in land.
In the conveyances of land under the provisions of these Bylaws, TLE may accept interests in land of Indian non-members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe for which Class “B” certificates of interest in TLE may be issued for the appraised valuation thereof.
In the transfer of Class “A” certificates of interest to non-members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe through probate, such certificates shall be converted to Class “B” certificates of interest.
In the transfer of Class “B” certificates of interest to members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe through probate, or purchase, such interests shall be converted to Class “A” certificates of interest.
Class “B” certificates of interest shall be entitles to participate in the net earnings on the same basis as Class “A” certificates of interest, but shall not entitle the holder thereof to membership in TLE nor the right to vote such interests.
Class “B” certificates of interest shall be subject to liquidation or redemption through purchase by TLE at the discretion or upon demand of the Board of Directors of the TLE.
Value of Interest
Certificates in Interest in TLE are to be issued in units, whose unit value will be determined by a current Market Analysis of Agricultural Land Values for South Dakota, as provided by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, or his duly authorized representative, such index to be determined at or as near as possible to January 1 of each year.The certificates of interest value, as a result of the determination of such an index, thus placed on certificates of interest will remain without change until the following year when a new index will be determined.The base value (1943 period) per certificate of interest will be $1.00 per interest.(See table A-12)
“The Tribal Land Enterprise is authorized to purchase land from any available funds to its credit and that title to lands thus purchased shall be taken in the name of the United States of America in trust for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.”Certificates of Interest will not be issued to the Tribe when purchased are made from TLE earnings.
Probate of Interest
TLE Certificates of Interest held by TLE for individual Tribal members shall be probated through the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Court System.If in Probate, the interests in TLE are fractionated, the Rosebud Sioux Tribe is authorized to purchase such interests.TLE is authorized to act for the Tribe in such transactions.(See table A-7)
Transferability of Certificates
Except as provided in Section 27 and 30 hereof, certificates of interest in the Tribal Land Enterprise shall be transferable only to the Tribe or its members, subject to approval of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or his duly authorized representative.(See table AA)Any and all such transfers of certificates of interest must be accomplished in the TLE office.Also, unless certificates of interest are on file in the TLE office, they will not be eligible to be voted or to receive dividend payments whenever such payments are made to holders of certificates.
Distribution of Net Earnings
Distribution of net earnings shall be made semi-annually as of April 1st and October 1st of each year from net earnings of TLE for the year ending October 1st, to holders of certificates of interest in TLE as of record and eligibility on April 1st or October 1st of that year.The distribution of net earnings as of April 1st shall not exceed 2% of certificates on Interest value and the distribution of net earnings as of October 1st shall be the balance from net earnings from TLE for the year ending October 1st, remaining after adequate reserves have been established by the Board of Directors for (a) Depreciation, (b) Reserve for contingencies, (c) Normal Cash Operating reserve (d) Purchase of lands during the ensuing twelve months, (e)Purchase of TLE certificates during the ensuing twelve months, (f) Payment of indebtedness.No earnings will be paid on certificates which are not on deposit for record and safekeeping in the TLE office.
During the first ten years of operation of TLE, distribution of net earnings to be made on interest owned by the Tribe shall be credited to the account of TLE and shall be subject to the order of the Board of Directors for use in the purchase of fractional equities in land, purchase of interests in TLE, purchase of lands and miscellaneous expenditures in connection with conducting the business of TLE, and during this ten year period, such net earnings shall not be subject to liquidating the Tribal loan from the United States. At the end of ten years from the date these Bylaws are approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or his duly authorized representative (See table AA), the Tribal Council is authorized to initiate amendments to these Bylaws making provisions for future equities of the Tribe in lands herein authorized for assignment to TLE for management and operation.
Purchase of Interests
The Rosebud Sioux Tribe is authorized to purchase certificates of interest in TLE, upon the approval of the Commission of Indian Affairs or his duly authorized representatives (See table AA).TLE is authorized to act for the Tribe in such transaction.Also, certificates of interest may be purchased with TLE funds.However, all purchases of certificates of interest for the Tribe or TLE must be made on the basis of current market value as indicated in Section (28) of these Bylaws.Certificates of interest purchased with TLE funds, must be offered for resale at current market value, to any eligible member of the Tribe who desires to secure certificates for application on assignment of TLE land.
Rental Tribal Lands
TLE may accept assignment of anticipated distribution of net earnings of certificates of interest in TLE as security for rental of land within its control, or TLE may accept certificates of interest in TLE in payment of such rental.
Rental Other Lands
Members of the Tribe who rent land owned by other members of the Tribe may assign anticipated net earnings on certificates of interest in TLE as security for such rentals, and by this process meet the requirements for bond.
Security on Loans
Members of the Tribe who hold loans from the Tribal Credit Revolving Fund may assign anticipated net earnings on certificates of interest in TLE, which may be accepted either as partial or total security on such loans at the discretion of the Tribal Corporation Credit Committee.
Grazing Fees
Where grazing permits are granted to members pf the Tribe on lands controlled by TLE, certificates of interest in TLE may be accepted in payment of grazing fees.
Funds collected for TLE shall be deposited in an Individual Indian Money account at the Rosebud Indian Agency or such other depository acceptable to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Tribal Council.TLE shall keep an appropriate record of all land transactions even though this may duplicate any record thereof maintained by the Department of the Interior.
The Board of Directors shall cause appropriate forms to be prepared for use in the execution of the various transaction involved in the operation of TLE.
The Tribal Council shall cause an annual. Audit to be made on the accounts and records of TLE.Such audit shall be made previous to the annual meeting of the holders of Class “A” certificates of interest in the Tribal Land Enterprise.A report of such audit shall be made and filed at such meeting.
In the event it becomes necessary to abandon and to liquidate TLE, holders of Class “A” certificates of interest in TLE shall be entitled to an assignment from lands held by the United States of America in trust for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe equal to the certificates based upon the appraised valuation of said land at the time the same was assigned to TLE for management and operations in such proportion as may be determined by the holders of certificates of interest at a meeting called for that purpose; such proportionate determination to be subject to approval of the Tribal Council and of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or his duly authorized representatives (See table AA).Class “B” certificates of interest shall be entitled to liquidation through leasehold agreements on Tribal lands or on a cash basis from funds to the credit of TLE and/or from rental returns from Tribal land, subject to the same proportions as determined for Class “A” certificates.
Annual Meeting
A meeting of the holders of certificates of interest in TLE shall be convened annually on a date set by TLE and notices of said annual meetings shall be mailed to all holders of certificates of interest in TLE on record, 10 days prior to said annual meeting (See table A-3).
Notices of said meeting shall be posted at the Rosebud Indian Agency and at all Community centers 10 days prior to said meeting. At said annual meeting, TLE shall render a detailed report of the status of Tribal Land Enterprise and of business transacted during last fiscal year ended, including a financial statement for TLE. Special meetings of holders of certificates of interest in TLE may be called by TLE, and upon a petition signed by holders of certificates of interest in TLE representing 25% of outstanding certificates of interest of record, TLE shall be required to call a special meeting of holders of certificates of interest. Ten days notice of special meetings shall state specifically the business to be considered. Any changed in policy or management of land and amendment to Bylaws are eligible for consideration at the annual meeting, and at special meetings if specified in notice for special meetings. Proposed amendments to Bylaws will be submitted to the Tribal Council for action and approval of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or his duly authorized representative (See table AA). Voting at all meetings of holders of certificates of interest in TLE shall be on a basis of certificates of interest represented and such interests voted must be voted in person by the owners of said interest as of record; provided further that guardians may vote the interests of minors or mentally incompetent whose interests they represent. Voting of tribal certificates of interest will be on a basis of pro-rating, for voting purposes, among members of the tribal Council present at the morning. Pro-rating of such votes will be done on an equal basis to each Councilman present. Each Councilman shall vote his pro-rated number as individually desired. Voting of interest by proxy shall not be permitted. A majority vote of the certificates of interest voted on any question shall rule. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall preside at meeting of holder of certificates of interest, or in case the Chairman is absent, the Vice-Chairman.
Maximum Limitations
To assure that the greatest possible number of Rosebud Sioux Tribal members can take advantage of the TLE program and to limit assignment of lands to those who are primarily interested in acquiring economic units of their own, assignments will be made only to individual who have less than three sections (1,920 acres) of grazing land, or three quarter sections (480 acres) of farm lands, or a combination hereof Calculation of acreage considered shall include allotments: inherited acreage ; Executive assignments; TLE assignments; revocable assignments and any and all other trust land held on the Rosebud Reservation.This clause shall not prohibit exchanges of land for the purpose of consolidation or more suitable location.
Land Use Stipulation
Because of potential obligations, the Tribe has, with regard to taking back assignments at same value for which said assignments were originally issued, the following “Land Use” clause shall be made a part of all future assignment contracts, except in those cases where assignments are in exchange for trust allotments.
“The assignee agrees to use this land in accord with established Tribal and Federal land use regulations which are applicable to range and farm lands on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation. Failure on the part of the assignee to follow such approved land use practices on this assignment will constitute a violation of this assignment contract and shall render such assignment subject to cancellation by the Rosebud Sioux Tribal council. Cancellation shall require final approval of the Secretary of the Interior of his duly authorized representative.”
Should such assignments be cancelled, the assignee would be issued certificates equal, in number, to certificates of interest which were surrendered by him at the time the assignment was originally made.
Amendments to these Bylaws
Except as provided in Section 32 hereof, amendments to these Bylaws shall originate in meetings of the holders of certificates of interest in the Tribal Land Enterprise or the Tribal Council.Proposed amendments made by holders of certificates of interest are to be submitted to the Tribal Council for action, and if adopted by the Tribal Council, submitted to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or his duly authorized representative (See table AA), for his approval or disapproval.Amendments to these Bylaws shall not become effective until approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of his duly authorized representative (See table AA).In case the Tribal Council fails to endorse amendments thus proposed, the holders of interest may submit such amendments directly to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or his duly authorized representative (See table AA), for his approval or disapproval upon two-third vote of the interests present and voting on said question.Amendments thus adopted and approved shall be in full force and effect.
We hereby certify the foregoing Bylaws for the Tribal Land Enterprise were adopted by the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council at its regular session April 5-7, 1943, by a vote of thirteen for and eight against; amended at its regular session October 4-6, 1943, by Resolution No. 682, adopted as of that date; pursuant to authority vested in the Tribal Council by Article IV Section 1 (n) of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and Section 5 (b) and 5 (c) of the Charter for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe; and corrected by Resolution No. 696 adopted by the Tribe council at regular session January 19-21, 1994, in accordance with recommendations contained in letter of approval from the Secretary of the Interior dated December 14, 1943. Further revisions, included herein, adopted by the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council, at a special session. February 19, 1954, and approved by the Office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, July 8, 1955. At it’s regular session convened November 18, 1960, the Tribe adopted Resolution No. 6053, and received approval by the Office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on August 14, 1961.
Revisions adopted and incorporated under Resolution No. 6202, by the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council in their regular session, January 25, 1962, are in accordance with conditions of approval from the Office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, July 18, 1962, effective November 29, 1962.
Revisions adopted and incorporated under Resolution No,. RST 88-113, by the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council in their regular session, February 15, 1989, are in accordance with conditions of approval from the office of the Secretary of the Interior or his duly authorized representative, February 17, 1989, effective February 17, 1989.
Revisions adopted and incorporated under Resolution No. 92-117, by the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council in their regular session, September 10, 1992, are in accordance with conditions of approval from the Aberdeen Area Director under delegated authority from the Secretary of the Interior, of his duly authorized representative, January 12, 1993 and January 26, 1993.
Revisions adopted and incorporated under Resolution No, 97-267, by the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council in their regular session, December 03, 1997, are in accordance with conditions of approval from the Aberdeen Area Director under delegated authority from the Secretary of the Interior, or his duly authorized representative, May 04, 1994.
The presented amendments and revisions are the current and effective Bylaws of Tribal Land Enterprise of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.
Norman G. Wilson, President
Rosebud Sioux Tribe
Ben Black Bear, Jr. Chairman
Board of Directors
Tribal Land Enterprise
Geraldine Night Pipe, Secretary
Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council
Larry J. Burr, Superintendent
Rosebud Indian Agency
Cora Jones, Area Director
Aberdeen Area Office
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Adopted by the Rosebud
Sioux Tribal Council
April 06, 1943
Revised October 6, 1943
Approved by the Office of the
Secretary of the Interior
December 15, 1943
Revised February 19, 1954
Approved by the Office of the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs
July 08, 1955
Revised November 18, 1960
Approved by the Office of the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs
August 14, 1961
Revised January 25, 1962
Approved by the Office of the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs
November 29, 1962
Revised February 15, 1989
Conditionally Approved by the Area Director
February 17, 1989
Revised September 10, 1992
Approved by the Area Director
January 13, 1993
January 26, 1993
Conditional Approval of
Revision on February 15, 1989 and
Approval by the Area Director on
February 17, 1989 was satisfied
May 04, 1994
Revised December 03, 1997
Approved by the Director
1.Amendment approved July 18, 1962, effective November 29, 1962.
Amendment conditionally approved by February 15, 1989, effective February 17, 1989.
2.Amendment approved July 18, 1962, effective November 29, 1962.
3.Amendment approved November 18, 1960, effective August 14, 1961.
4.Amendment approved September 10, 1992, effective January 13, 1993.
5.Amendment approved September 10, 1992, effective January 13, 1993.
6.Amendment approved September 10, 1992, effective January 13, 1993.
7.Amendment approved September 10, 1992, effective January 13, 1993.
8.Amendment approved September 10, 1992, effective January 26, 1993.
9.Amendment conditionally approved February 15, 1989, effective February 17, 1989.Conditional approval on May 04, 1994.
10.Amendment conditionally approved February 15, 1989, effective February 17, 1989.Conditional approval satisfied on May 04, 1994.
11.Amendment conditionally approved February 15, 1989, effective February 17, 1989.Conditional approval satisfied on May 04, 1994.
12.Amendment approved December 03, 1997, effective ____________________________
Approved by the Secretary of the Interior on January 28, 1947.

"A Subordinate Organization of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe"
"Building a strong future for generations to come"